The website and the affiliated site has a privacy policy that describes all the information we use or gather when you visit our site and related sites. When you use any information, personal or nonpersonal, which is collected is subject to this policy. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of this policy. All conditions will apply to the same. By submitting information, you agree to allow our use of the information you have provided. By submitting such personal information, you have provided consent to the use of the same and are in full disclosure as mentioned in this policy. If you are an international user, all data protection laws may differ and vary as per resident country. This, however, does not change how this policy governs you.

Information collected by

When you use our site, you agree to our privacy policy. You might provide certain information by filling out details in forms, subscription items or any giveaways or forms of correspondence. The information collected is of the following type-

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • Birthday
  • Any information like location, gender, and such specifics
  • Technical information like IP address, type of device, duration, type of browser

This information is collected when:

  • You register on the site
  • You enter a contest
  • You interact with a survey
  • You subscribe to the newsletter
  • Communicate with us directly via mail
  • Type a comment with registered status

This information sharing does not apply to information collected online or by third-party means like subsidiaries, distributors and other links from the site.

The way use the information

On provision or receiving information, we use this information to operate in a more efficient manner and provide you more optimized functionality with the best features of the site.

We do not use your information such as e-mail address or any personal information to send marketing or commercial grade messages without consent. Any impersonal information like IP address, user usage of data, cookies, browser details, browser type etc. may be used to improve the quality of functionality of the site.

Usage of Cookies

Cookies are encrypted data which aids us in providing a personal, interactive experience on the website. We use cookies for providing a more customized, better-personalized experience. For data analytics purpose, cookies are important. You, however, have options to choose or not accept cookies from us, you can even delete cookies sent. This disabling may lead to certain features not being available. You might miss certain announcements or features. One should check with the browser for more details. use cookies to:

  • Bring together all information in one place
  • To store preferences, details or content based on viewing procedures
  • Identify the user
  • Provide customized oriented content
  • Monitor the effectiveness of campaigns
  • Process transactions quickly
  • Store cache information
  • To collect your browsing activity and information

How do we safeguard your information? is committed to data safety and privacy. We use all possible technical, administrative safeguards to preserve the security of your data and the confidentiality of your information. We review our security information on a regular basis and this will help us deal with new technology. Our safety standards are thus primary to us.

Policy towards Children

These services are not aimed at anyone below the age of consent as per state law. The features of the site are universal but children below the designated age-gate are not to use the information. We do not collect personal information from such users and offer no connection with them for all uses or links that are offered on the site.

Third-Party Links/ Advertisements works with ad networks and third-party servers like

to serve ads or links on the website. We use tools like trackers and seekers to send information to the browser. Information such as ads and links will appear on the site. They also receive the IP address so as to be able to personalize ad material. We do not leak the information and send consent mails as well when necessary. The advertiser may use information related to the ad for commercial purposes but not any personal information. You can choose to opt out after reading their respective privacy policies or any information.


We welcome all feedback and doubts on the privacy policy. You can contact us for all queries regarding the privacy policy. We may change it as it is subject to variations, we request you to revisit to be aware and make more informed decisions.